FatMumSlim Photo A Day is a photo challenge that started since 2012. I have only joined when I was new in Instagram. From then, I gained a few followers that I make it a point to follow back too.
What is Photo A Day Challenge?
For each month, the host, Chantelle Ellem, posts a month-long list of words for the photo-a-day challenge. Once you have joined, your challenge is to take a photo or post an image relating to the particular word for the day. That is why these words are also called prompts. You are prompted, triggered or inspired by the word of the day to capture an image.
FMS Photo A Day Community
You see, with FMS Photo A Day you can share an old image you have been keeping or click the camera for new ones. Just as long as you share your OWN photo, no problem with that. Also, you have the freedom to post wherever you want, on your blog, Instagram or on your personal Facebook account.
You see, everyone is welcome here in the community. You don’t really have to show or capture super brilliant and jaw-dropping beautiful images to be able to join. Once you post or upload your image inspired by the prompt, you just have to add the hashtag for the prompt and the hashtag FMSPhotoADay. With using the hashtag for the day, you will be able to visit, view and like the other participants’ posted images too. Some use this to share their photography skills, some to promote their websites and gain followers. Others join to market their products too. As for me, I only join for fun.
Most of the images I post whenever I join the day’s prompt are of flowers, food, places we have been, my kids, animals and things that I find unique or perfect for the prompt. Here are some of the images I have shared for this year 2018, using my phone camera.

So, I hope you got some inspiration in here to join the FMS Photo A Day Community. Keep capturing moments and continue to have fun everyone!