2017’s Instagram Best Nine

2017’s Instagram Best Nine
2017 Instagram Best Nine

I intentionally allowed myself to forget to post the Best Nine of 2017 on Instagram.  Just feeling a little lazy, that is. Also, the fact that I get to be forgetful sometimes. I am not quite impressed with the results of the Best Nine  that the Mobile App came up with. Ha!Ha!

Kidding aside, it would not have given me this result if these are not the real images that garnered more likes. If you ask me, of course, I am thankful for all the likes these nine images received. Thank you as well to the followers and co-players for FMS Photo-a-day challenge for the likes on my entries and so as on the other photos I have in my profile. Who does not enjoy playing photo-a-day? We all do!

2017 Best Nine

Cheers to more amazing photos with family and friends! Looking forward to more snaps and creativity to be able to freeze the moment (and its memories) that we can look back and smile about in the future. Follow my account on IG @septembercharm and I will check your account too!

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