Her Last Sewing Machine

Her Last Sewing Machine

I bought my Mama a sewing machine August of 2010, in replacement of an old Brother brand.  It was not her birthday nor there was a special occasion. I just felt that it is necessary for me to buy her a new one so she’ll stop doing the laundry and sew all those trimmings and textiles she has already cut way back. At least, she will be able to make something new to wear or repair and re-purpose some old ones. I have been telling her to not mind our laundry because my rest day is meant for that battle. She would laugh at my jokes. She would even say that she can’t just sit and watch TV. She has to keep moving.

With the new sewing machine, she was able to finish an apron and some underwear shorts for my elder daughter. She made several blouses and summer dresses too. She also re-purposed an old blouse of mine and turned it into a skirt which fits a 2-3 year old girls.

My Mama was a dressmaker, businesswoman and a beautician during her younger and stronger days… I mean, when she was still alive. She was able to send me to school with all her abilities and “diskarte” in life. Being friendly and approachable is a big plus too. She always have that smile which will signal anyone that she’s a good and trustworthy person.

Last Sewing Machine

When I brought home this Brother sewing machine, I somehow saw an awkwardness in her smile and appreciation. It did not cross my mind that she’ll not make use of this one that much compared to her old tabletop machine and Singer sewing machine. This has become her last sewing machine. She passed away about  5 months after I bought her this.

Working Mom Magazine sewing machine

Since she’s gone, who else will use this sewing machine but me! I made several pillowcases, and the Purple Skirt my daughter wore for a school contest. Some of her curtains even made it as a Greek costume for me and my daughter’s magazine entry.

I was so excited to start a new project early January that I even went to Divisoria, and bought few yards of cotton textile. I also found where to buy that cotton they use for vacuumed pillows and bought a kilo too. It was a fun trip there.

But just when I thought I was ready, I was totally wrong. I did not check on the machine first. When I opened the sewing machine, cleaned it and was eager to start, it is not working! It would not work anymore. Rust stain is just everywhere, it is in every important part of the sewing machine. I was angry at me. I braved Divisoria and all but did not check the machine first. And then a sudden feeling of sadness hit me, and then came memories of Mama which made me really sad. I don’t wanna move anymore.

Regrets. Regrets. I should have taken care of her sewing machine in a better way. Someone advised me to try use oil or WD40 and I might still be able to save it. I actually haven’t tried anything yet, I just can’t touch it anymore. I kept the sewing machine again instead. When I no longer feel blue, and when the craft fairies come visit me again for ideas and inspiration, I’ll sure get back to it. I just really feel nostalgic until now.

I know it will come a time that my Mama would visit me in my dreams and she would either get mad at me or get really mad. Haha! Anyways, I was able to make 2 new pillows for the kids. They love them!


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