5 Day Gratitude Challenge

5 Day Gratitude Challenge

I was tagged by a dear friend, Joy of  JoyRide for a Gratitude Challenge and so I decided to create a 2-in-1 post.

Sept. 14 Gratitude Challenge entry

I am grateful for..

– the person who found Nhald’s wallet. Our faith in humanity is still there because of him/them.
– the ability to recognize something good out of an obvious mistake. We got the chance to go out together as partners, it was quite an adventure.
– the simple fact that my kids’ have the ability to take care of each other while Mom & Dad is out.

Gratitude Challenge

Sept. 15 Gratitude Challenge entry

– an additional rest day for the kids and that Malacañang initiated the suspension of classes as early as last night because of Thypoon Luis.
– my awesome Upwork clients for the trust they have given me.
– my daughter K’s achievement for the 1st grading period.

I have this posted on my Facebook account, but since we are promoting something really good here, it is best to share it in this blog too. So, if you were tagged by a friend, be it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or through blogs and other social media platforms, go ahead and join in. You will be surprised as to how much there is to really be thankful for instead of wasting our time with all the what-if’s and I should have’s in mind.

Have a great day everyone!

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