Everyday is a blessing!

Everyday is a blessing!

No matter how yesterday was, everyday is a blessing!

Since we receive a blessing that moment we open our eyes each morning, it is but right to be thankful. I must admit, I have only fully accepted this fact when I became a Mom. It was a futile realization I must say. So, if stress has made me skip saying a prayer before bedtime, I have to say it upon waking up. The thank you prayer has to include that I was awakened, I was me as I was yesterday and have another chance to make myself better. This time, it is not just for myself but for my family, most importantly.

Last March, our Facebook news feed were flooded with recognition and graduation photos and congratulatory statuses. I am just one of the many proud parents who added new photos. Every time I see a photo of a medal or award/s, I know there is this smile in my face. I can somehow feel the parents’ happiness with the little and big awards our kids achieved.


I told K that even if she did not end up in the honor roll, I am so proud of her. Her achievements since Kindergarten surpassed my expectations. When she entered Grade school, I started teaching her to be self-reliant but she still have me around for hand-on reviews. When she reached 3rd grade, we were both heartbroken with the loss of my mom and slacked a little. She went on with her independence during exams while my everyday activities were divided to her toddler (back then) sister, household chores and home-based job. It worsen as bigger challenges were thrown upon us… upon me.

I was reminded by K of a promise I made to her, a promise that I have already forgotten. I told her that it will be hard but a promise is a promise. A tight hug after a mother-daughter conversation served as a seal that we were in it together. So, fulfilled promise- K graduated at Marian School of QC. My closest friends and family knows how it was a struggle – physically, emotionally and financially.

Everyday is a blessing.

Blessings come in different forms, sizes and sometimes in disguise. Sometimes they can move, talk and even dance. Life’s drama has just made my little miss K stronger than she think she is. She has matured and learned how to be happy for the blessings she receives. And to be happy for another person’s happiness and achievements too, especially her closest friends. I sometimes ask her if she gets jealous, and each time, she answers back with a question: “Why would I be?” I always end up smiling.

I am aiming to teach my kids how to see and feel things from the perspective of others. Knowing how to empathize is one of the firsts, in many life skills a person should learn. With Roey, this is still vague and might be a long process. With K, I just have to be here as a constant reminder. My success in this parent challenge will be my future leaders’ success as well. Knowing how it is to have none, to be inferior and to have a sense of contentment with what we have will sure help them be successful leaders. Successful and genuinely happy leaders in whatever field they may take.

My tears flooded after reading K’s letter to me they handed during their graduation ceremonies. As soon as I saw the letter in her hands, tears were ready to flow. Same reason why I had to read it at home when they were all asleep. That same letter is the exact reason why I have confirmed that no matter how yesterday was, everyday is a blessing!

Congratulations again my dear K, my first baby. Please remember that you are the very first reason I believed in love at first sight, I believed in hope and that real beauty shines from within. Never doubt Mommy when I tell you are beautiful, because you really are. You are a blessing and I could not be thankful enough.

I love you so much!

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