One morning, I decided to serve both K & Roey Banana oatmeal. K ended up eating both servings and Roey ate Bananas instead. K got used to eating anything you serve her, believe it or not. My Mama has really helped a lot in her eating habits. She may be skinny but I am thankful that she is not sickly as well. Both my kids, actually. Thanks to HIM! Because, health is definitely a priority for me, and then education.
Roey, on the other hand, is the picky eater, she is not skinny though. She has just learned ( I don’t know where!) to say no to any food she thinks to be yucky! Unfortunately, the oatmeal I served them was one. So, the Mom in me was given a challenge. How can I make this kid eat oatmeal?

Since I have been seeing oatmeal biscuit recipes online, why not try one? So, I ended up with these Banana-Raisin Oatmeal cookie cupsĀ the next morning and was very satisfied with the result.

She ate 2 cookie cups for breakfast and kept coming back to the fridge until every cookie is gone. K enjoyed the cookie cups too. Too bad I was out of flour and only ended up with 18 pieces that day. I also made a Choco Banana Oatmeal cupcake after few days for a variety. And will sure explore more healthy baking and cooking innovations for my loves.
How about you?
Hope you can share your Mommy-moves and creative tactics in serving your kids healthy breakfast or snacks, I would sure appreciate that!
Thanks in advance and happy baking or cooking and then eating! Ha! Ha!