Uplifting Our Spirits



Last February, we have welcomed the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary at home. We have offered our prayers and lifted up to her our heart’s desires. A week of praying the rosary truly lifted our spirits. I am but glad that my daughters, at their young age, willingly prayed the rosary with me. My elder daughter even invited some friends to pray with us. Having the Blessed Virgin Mary’s image at home brought back a lot of memories to me. I have once been a member of Block Rosary and Legion of Mary back my High School days. I was very active during my sophomore and junior year in fact. My childhood friends and I would always pray and join the Block Rosary prayer brigade.

“Block Rosary is a Mother’s call to her children. Block Rosary is designed in Heaven and brought to earth by the Mother of God. Block Rosary neighbors PRAY together; Block Rosary Neighbors STAY together.”

(*source – Block Rosary Crusade Nigeria website)

With this, it gave me a feeling of wanting to have both my kids be as active as I was at church before. It wouldn’t  just bring them closer to Him but also would definitely bring out the best in them. Most parents would agree with me in that fact for sure.

This really calls for the Stef that was… thanks for the Blessed Virgin Mary’s visit and I hope it won’t be the last.


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