Pinterest is Interesting

I was invited my Mommy May of Nshima Servings to join Pinterest. It is like an online collection of your bookmarks. You get to “pin” what interests you and have them categorized too. Aside from that, you can f

ollow other people”s boards and re-pin their pins. I got hooked in an instant! I have made several boards already and pinned a lot. Here”s a screenshot of just 8 of my boards, there are few more boards I didn”t get to capture. LoL!


What I find interesting the most is the home improvement category in which I get to see and dream of having our own home beautifully. Pinterest also has thousands of tips in organizing, home decor and DIYs. I really love spending time in this new social media platform.

Find it interesting? Go create an account. If you need an invite, just tell me. Have fun pinning!

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