Headbands I Made

I remember when I was in 4th grade until early in High School, my Mama made a lot of bows, pillows, skirts, headbands at cute clips for me to wear and sell. She”s my inspiration. When she passed away, I felt that “love” or passion for these things v

anished. I lost the will to start making even just one, but I honestly still have the interest. Since I have been a SAHM for almost 4 mos now, I have seen how difficult it is to manage almost everything. Household chores, kids and finances too! That remaining interest in crafts and having 2 girls made me try and go back in what my Mom really loved. I am proud to have made these:

The Purple flower was an extra cloth from the skirt I made for Keanna. The Pink rose was a half yard ribbon I found in my sewing box and the floral (3rd photo) were trimmings from an old blouse. Keanna was so eager to learn the how to”s as well and was even planning of selling them to her classmates. The genes is becoming obvious! LoL! We had fun making these and having her model too.

These added inspirations came from a friend. My daughters love “em to bits! THANK you, Ched. These lovely bows were bought from another friend, Iris of Posh Baby. Now, I found myself planning and wanting to head over to a craft store in Divisoria. It”s about time. I guess my dreams about my Mama was an eye opener. It was her wake up call. I have been so lazy for the past few weeks and have not accomplished any. I have to prove myself. And I have to start right NOW.

I am by the way, linking up this post to these wonderful memes:

17 thoughts on “Headbands I Made

  1. hehe..very nice you must continue the legacy specially you have girls:) nice headbands!

    hope you can visit my family time too!

    hugs to the girls! mwaah!!

  2. wow! only few people got that talent! Hope you’ll continue this hobby to be a business. Impressive sis..wishing here I’ll learn this.

    Following you from Colorful weekend:)

  3. those are cute kikay stuffs. uso ang ganyang head pieces ngayon db, tama si vhen u cud put an online shop:) good luck.

  4. wow!! you are such a creative mom, sis!! i am sure if your mom was here she would be very proud of you. good job! i wish i can do the same for my kids but I guess di ko talaga gift. hehehe. thanks for the visit sis. returning the visit!

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