Delicious Okra Poppers

Okra Poppers

My daughters eat veggies, but there are some slime-y ones that they sometimes hesitate tasting. One of which is okra and  the other is eggplant. They do eat eggplants depending on the was it was cooked. My elder daughter likes it fried or mixed with pork & “bagoong”, while my younger daughter likes it in “Paksiw” and when cooked the “torta” way. There are many ways how to incorporate eggplants in different dishes but it is quite hard to do that with Okra.

My husband has recently shared a post about the health benefits of Okra and the girls were put up in a challenge. Eat this veggie more often! Like the girls, I grew up hesitant with this particular veggie, so I myself is challenged too. I decided to look for a recipe that would allow me and the girls to eat willingly and happily. I found different techniques and recipes for Okra Poppers online and I picked what I thought is the easiest one.

OKRA Poppers Recipe

okra poppers15 pods okra, sliced in bite-size pieces
1 egg, beaten
150g all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 cup vegetable oil

Soak the sliced veggies in egg for 5 to 10 minutes. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Coat the pieces evenly and fry in the preheated vegetable oil until golden brown.

It was a hit! It was simple but the fambam loved it! This particular dish is perfect as an appetizer.

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