Enhanced Community Quarantine: Life In A Lockdown

Enhanced Community Quarantine

So the inevitable happened – there is an imposed Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the risk of the Corona Virus pandemic. In other words, we are on lockdown, an enhanced one as per the government. The capital of the Philippines, Metro Manila, and the whole of Luzon (including its associated islands) are on an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). This was announced by President Rodrigo Duterte effective immediately.

It’s been 4 days now, and although all of us being at home is a welcome change to a usual routine, there are both pros and cons to it. There is also fear in it, no matter how we, the parents, try to disregard or avoid it.

Enhanced Community Quarantine

COVID-19, as we all know it, is an infectious disease caused by the new corona virus discovered during the last quarter of 2019. This particular disease that affected the world, caused the call of the Philippine government to stay home – thus the ECQ.

ECQ restricted movement of everyone. Schools, Churches, malls, cinemas, parks, dental and derma clinics, museums, and even cemeteries were temporarily closed. The quarantine measures only allows essential establishments to continue with their operations. These are of course, hospitals, markets, grocery stores and a few restaurants. Dine in transactions are no longer allowed.

ECQ or Enhanced Community Quarantine has drastically changed the lives of Filipinos. We were advised that each family should assign just one person to be allowed outside to gather or buy essentials. The Barangay will issue a Quarantine Pass which will be presented by the owner to each border or check point areas they need to pass through.

My elder daughter who just finished final exams and is awaiting for their defense and graduation schedule has started to worry and become frustrated about the current situation. We told her to somehow expect for grad rites to be moved or worse, to not push through anymore.

Filipinos were assured though, by the President, that we will overcome this pandemic. And we are really hoping and praying for that to happen.

Even as we maintain physical distance from each other, let us remain strong, united in spirit to fight this dreaded disease and with our unity, the blessing of God, we shall overcome.” President Duterte said last March 16.

Cons of Staying at Home

  • Anxiety and depression may arise. Extroverts and the workers who suddenly lost their jobs are prone to this.  Being stuck at home, practicing social distancing  and seeing saddening news are somehow triggers.

Quarantine depression

  • This ECQ happened right at the same time we welcomed summer this year, so it will sure be hard for a lot of families especially the informal settlers. Issues with the local government units may also arise.
  • Hoarding of face masks, alcohols, tissues and hand wash happened real quick. People are fighting over these things. Business owners on the other hand took advantage by limiting availability of essential items and some even doubled the prices.
  • It was also mentioned in the news that a possible rise of child abuse cases might happen.

Pros of Staying at Home

  • Each of us will now have the time for a much needed rest. Have we not wished for a day when we can just at least enjoy and overstay in bed? Moms do wish for that. I do wish for that. So, I guess this can be considered as an advantage of being at home because of the quarantine.


  • Working parents will now have time to bond and spend quality time with their kids. Younger kids will sure want play, while the older ones might need assistance for their online schooling. This applies to some students who are enrolled to schools that still has not finished the school year.

  • Being home together as family will somehow ease any worries or anxiety attacks that might occur. Sit down and talk to each one that they can be assured that you have each other’s back.
  • We can take advantage of  technology and temporarily resort to online video chats or calls to continue our communications to relatives abroad or in the provinces.

Video call

  • The BPO industry has started to let some of their employees work from home. Some were to stay at the office for the meantime, until the quarantine has been lifted.  Financial assistants did the same, continued with their advocacy to help their clients and the so called millennials with their savings and investments.

Work From Home

  • This ECQ might actually develop and strengthen relationships a bit more. Being stuck at home will sure make us realize a number of things and interests that we have been disregarding for some time.  Planting or urban farming could be one great activity for the partners or even for the whole family.


No matter what we are looking forward to with this ECQ or what we have been missing outside, the real and main purpose of the quarantine is to flatten the curve. To quarantine people is to stop the virus from spreading.  Staying home may not be easy for some, but this is our way to help the nation in it’s call to heal as one. May we all stay healthy and safe.




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