Discover a Ridiculously Inclusive Workplace

Discover a Ridiculously Inclusive Workplace

I know a BPO company that I consider ridiculously good and practice an inclusive working atmosphere.  If you are on the lookout for a job opportunity in the BPO world, I might just be able to help you. Read on to know more about how a good change starts with Us.

What exactly it is that I like about TaskUs? I can enumerate several things to convince you:

  • People-first Company
  • Inclusive Working Atmosphere
  • Free healthy and balanced meals for RTO employees
  • HMO, Insurance Coverage, and an optional Savings Program
  • Well-maintained facilities (all sites)
  • Daycare (with Licensed Teachers)
People-first Company with an Inclusive Working Atmosphere

As a people-first company, TaskUs was able to handle and protect their employees really well from when the pandemic started up to now that protocols were lighter. This has been very evident, especially for the RTO employees, their security and safety come first – all the time.

When a number of employees were asked and required to return to the office, the company well-planned, facilitated, and executed a smooth transition from their Work-from-home setup to office setup. For everyone’s safety and security, people were screened about their vaccination status and were given a schedule as to when their RTO date was back then. Shuttle services were provided too.

TaskUs is one one the companies that welcomes everyone. I am talking about general equality here. This means anyone who wants to be part of the company, whatever your religion, experiences, college background, gender preferences, matters…Yes, these matters. Only because whatever your preferences are, those are part of you. You matter.

I have seen interviews and even recognition awards given to employees from different backgrounds. There were PWD employees too – and mind you, they excel in what they do. As mentioned, an inclusive working atmosphere is being practiced here. So, just as long as you have that will and you are ridiculously amazing, you are not just welcomed, you are celebrated here.

Free Healthy and Balanced Meals for RTO Employees

TaskUs is committed to prioritizing the health, wellness, and safety of all their employees. With this, since a lot of people have finally returned to report on-site last summer, they ensured to provide healthy and balanced meals for the employees – for free!

During our upskill training on-site, we were able to see, use and enjoy firsthand how TaskUs proves to be an example of a company that has taken the initiative to have a nutrition plan and provide healthy meals for all. And, they won’t discourage you to bring your own food or buy from plenty of food stalls and restaurants nearby.

HMO, Insurance Coverage, and an optional Savings Program

Many BPO companies provide these benefits as well. Here in TaskUs, we also have our HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) coverage and insurance. The company is so great to have initiated an optional Retirement Savings Program as well. The company also encourages everyone to participate in financial talks and activities that are being initiated by Engagement Team.

Well-Maintained Facilities with DayCare

I’ve been in the BPO company since 2004. I may have stepped out after freelancing, but this is the only company I know that is offering a wide range of well-maintained facilities – sleeping quarters, a game area, a breastfeeding area, soundproof booths, a massage chair lounge, shower rooms, a spa and for a mom like me, the best part is they have a daycare! Yes, a daycare with licensed teachers to facilitate the activities for your kids! What more could you ask for?

If you are struggling to find someone or somewhere you can leave your kids while you report to work, then come to work with them! TaskUs welcomes your kids too. They get to be attended to and taken care of by licensed teachers. They interact with each other, play games of all sorts, and learn a lot too! Who knows that by playing pretend with other kids in the daycare, your child might unleash his desire to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, pilot, or a famous chef too?

inclusive workplace daycare

If only my previous BPO employer offered the same daycare back then, I sure would bring Kea with me during weekends. My Mama would have enjoyed her weekends spent at the cinema with her sisters or “senior” friends. I remember that she was the one who attends Kea, taught her many things, guided her when her granddaughter started schooling and even supported her in her first dream job back then – becoming a chef!

Now, she’s all grown up and an adult – not dreaming of being a chef anymore but enjoying playing online games. I meant the complex (for me) RPG games down to the basic cafeteria or pizza store games. Though an adult now, she is still a little baby sometimes.

Going back to these perks and benefits of becoming one of Us, welcoming your kids at work and ensuring their safety within the premises is but something I can hardly say no to. I don’t have toddlers anymore but sometimes, I’d like to bring in my teenager and young adult there too! Kidding aside, that’s just one proof that TaskUs is indeed a ridiculously inclusive workplace I am glad to have found!

Inclusive Workplace

There are a few more other perks and benefits TaskUs has to offer that I wasn’t able to include here and I might be able to do so in the next blogs.

Here, it is You + Us! Come join us!

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