Wheel of Fate Fun Ride: Enchanted Kingdom Adventure

Wheel of Fate Fun Ride: Enchanted Kingdom Adventure
CNX Family Day

Concentrix has once again held their annual Family Day at Enchanted Kingdom. So, we were off to the park one more time. Last time we were here, we did not get to ride a number of rides and did not see some shows and attractions. This time, the husband and I decided to fall in line and go for a family ride at the Wheel of Fate. The kids cannot ride the Flying Fiesta and Space Shuttle yet. They did not have the courage too. =D

Family Day at Enchanted Kingdom
Wheel of Fate Ride

The four of us rode the big ferris wheel Enchanted Kingdom named Wheel of Fate.

Wheel of Fate

Roey held on tight her new furry friends as we settle on our seats inside the pod. Roey was terrified as the wheel reached its peak, especially when it stopped to load and unload people. The wind was swiftly blowing and made our pod swing a little. We were all a little afraid, to be honest. Roey eventually got used to the pod swings and conquered her fear. Hence, I got to capture her sweet smile in the next photo.

Wheel of Fate

She didn’t want to ride again but said that she had fun even it was terrifying at first. K got scared too but used laughter to fight the feeling. She even teased Roey and their Dad while the gondola paused at its peak. We all enjoyed the beautiful view of the theme park up high, over 130 feet actually.

Thanks to Concentrix (CNX) for yet another memorable family day. We are grateful for the opportunity and are looking forward to more fun-filled family adventures like this.

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