Snack Time is Quality Time

Snack Time is Quality Time
Snack Time

What is one best way to spend quality time with the family? Snack time!

Afternoon snacks besides night chats is one part of the day I enjoy spending with my kids. My kids don’t have high levels of appetite (especially my elder daughter) but they have all the thrills and giggles whenever I serve something for them. We call it “Takaw-Tingin” here in the Philippines.

Snack Time Homemade pizza

It is summer and kids are out for vacation and as we all know, kids nowadays are unstoppable. They make it necessary for us parents to prepare something new for them, be it food, games, toys or unlimited number of activities so as to keep their nerves, bones and minds busy! That somehow makes parenting one best way to explore and continue to learn.

I had them help me prepare the homemade pizza and banana smoothie for their snack. There were laughter, bloopers and giggles. School break doesnt necessarily mean they can’t learn something. There are many things to learn in the kitchen!

Snack Time Banana Smoothie

Sometimes, I just couldn’t think of anything to prepare that I have to somehow dig the internet for creative ideas for snacks, recipes, organization, life hacks and kiddie activities. Thank heavens for Pinterest. It’s like a complete answer to many recipe questions that may occur at any given time. =D

Maybe I can say that our country is one of the many places where you can go on food exploration and pig out! Good thing that afternoon snacks can also be easily bought from the neighborhood sellers. There are many other Filipino snacks to avail – Banana cue, Sweet potato fritters,”kakanin” and “pancit” are a delight too. Since kids this summer is most of the time at home, we bond by eating together.  Eating is quality time with kids, right?


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