Let My Jinga Juice Bring Out Your Youthful Glow!

Let My Jinga Juice Bring Out Your Youthful Glow!

Get back that youthful glow.

Jinga Juice is the combined Wonders of Wheatgrass and Goodness of Guyabano.

Do you ever have skin problems? Eczema, acne and Psoriasis, to name a few. Do your kids or someone you know suffer from itchiness and discomfort these irritations bring?

Most of us do or did have to go through irritations like these and we have to resort using expensive topical creams or maybe dermatological remedies. A lot did not know that Guyabano (Soursop) and Wheatgrass can help – clean, safe and healthy!

Guyabano for a youthful You

Juice For the Youthful You

JINGA JUICE is made from Guyabano (the whole fruit and its seeds) and Wheatgrass. It is the first of its kind in the market. There were reports that Guyabano seeds and leaves were used as skin astringent, used to treat head lice and even to purge bed bugs too! While Wheatgrass, just like honey, effectively reduces wound, acne and acute rashes’ pain, swelling and inflammation. It is also being used to treat burns and insect bites.

Jinga Juice can be mixed with your favorite fruits for a delicious and healthy smoothie.

So, stay healthy, youthful and prevent illnesses! With balanced diet, take Jinga Juice regularly, be energized and bring out that youthful glow in you!


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