Instagram Feature By Little Moments App

Instagram Feature By Little Moments App
Little Moments App

This app was specially made by Chantelle Ellem A.K.A. FatMumSlim. Because of her love in capturing little moments and wanting to have a post editing app for FMS Photo A Day players, she introduced the app. Users then can make their photos a little fancy and can easily join and see FMS Photo A Day prompts too.

I have known the app but have not really tried using it. But then, I kept joining the Instagram photo challenge. There were days I don’t have an entry and days I do not open IG at all. When I feel that a photo I took is IG worthy, and if it is something cute about my girls, I share it.

When I learned that my Instagram post has been picked and featured by Jen of Little Moments App, I got too excited.  The excitement was high I had to share the post by Jen @love_wednesday, in my own Instagram account and in Facebook too. Little Moments App Feature


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