Barney Space Adventures in Manila

What more exciting for kids than to see Barney in a show, live!

My elder daughter grew up loving Barney and it goes the same with the younger one. Their adoration of Barney can easily be seen with all the VCDs and DVDs we have at home. It is from Barney they both learned the magic words, “Please” and “Thank You”. It was Barney and Mommy here of course who taught them the song “I Love You, You Love Me”. We have seen recorded Barney show in DVD format but not a live one yet. My elder daughter got to experience Disney On Ice show few years back and so as got the chance to see Dora The Explorer’s show at the Aliw Theater too. Now that there’s two of them, and both saw the ad for Barney Space Adventure show here in Manila, they both wanted to go! Having seen shows like this before, I already have an idea on how much a ticket would cost. I will definitely have to save up for me to get a ticket … I mean, tickets for the 3 of us. Minus the husband – knowing him, he’s not going to join us for sure. I have searched the net for the ticket cost and the details of the show itself as well. Here’s what I have got:

The show will be held at the ALIW Theater at the CCP Complex in Pasay City. The show will run from April 26 to April 29. If I will have to get 3 tickets for the “Price Zone 3”, I should prepare almost 5K. I still have enough time though and if this show will make my kids so happy, I will give it to them. I am sure that for these little kids, this is a once in a lifetime experience.

For more info, head on to TICKETWORLD.

10 thoughts on “Barney Space Adventures in Manila

  1. oh! my daughter would surely love to see this! unfortunately we’re not home. 🙁
    i love barney and the gang and i’ll always be thankful to them. my kids learned to express what they feel and began to love to sing. my daughter loved Baby Bop more than Barney so we really had to bring her stuffed toy here. It’s her comfort toy. Good thing we weren’t halted in the airport coz it is only an imitated one. 🙂

  2. Why oh why do they have to be expensive? And I’m not sure if Una will like watching it. May Dora the Explorer show dito dati? I didn’t know that. Una loves Dora.

  3. I used to have a collection of barney items. pillows, stuffed toys, plastic plates, lunch box, name it. Haha!

    1. Yes mare, may bayad na si RonRon. We may not make it, baka ibili ko na lang sila ng toys. Hehe!

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