19 Months Cutie

Haley Roneese turned 19 months today. She can already say Thank You which is “Q” in her version. She taps and pulls me off my PC chair whenever she wants Mommy to draw something or needs me to prepare her milk. She cal

ls her big sister “Atchi” whom she hugs and wrestle most of the time. She waves and says BYE and HELLO to everyone at home and so as to our neighbors. She also enjoys helping around the house by keeping her toys away after using it, and so as the pillow, by the way. She calls her dirty hands “ouch” and dries them up on her own after washing it. Roey can imitate a barking dog non stop, lol! And the best of all, she reads out loud, in her own language that is.

I made this one especially for my little Roey. I used and combined several freebies I got to download few days ago. I”m also trying to do a research so I can create layouts, stickers and embellishments on my own. I”m really liking this hobby and blogging is definitely one fun way for me to share it. I”m joining a party of colors tomorrow but decided to post it now.


6 thoughts on “19 Months Cutie

    1. Hi there! You’re right, 2nd birthday is soon but we don’t have plans yet. It could be just a simple home celebration with the family. =)

    1. Thank you for dropping by sis. It is really precious to see milestones right? Have each documented, hehe. Ako kasi minsan natatamad. =)

  1. Special art! I’m more a real-paper-&-stuff scrap freak (though I really got to work on a lot of unfinished scrap books) but I most definitely have to learn digital scrapping now. So much possibilities! And pictures always say more when they’re framed like art, diba? Little Roey Patootie is growing up fast! Happy 19th month!

    And a big “Q” for joining the Colorful Weekend party!

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