I’m a VMobile Technouser!

I have been thinking about joining VMobile for a while now but has not decided. It was only until a colleague invited me to become a Technopreneur. I have a little knowledge about the company since I already did a research. I already know as to how much my capital would be and the benefits of joining. It was only financial instability that really hinders me from joining. So, when Erwin of Team Bre explained it further to me, I did not hesitate to sign up as a Technouser since that”s what I can afford for now.

So far, I can say that it”s starting to grow. In need of even more inspiration, sometimes I think about looking into and work towards a Computer Science degree online to be able to understand it all. Who knows, I may be able to develop a beta loading program like of what VMobile is using. Teehee! On the other hand, I have made my friends and relatives aware of the new biz I decided to venture and they”re all supportive of it. I immediately thought of accepting payments through Paypal, UnionBank and BDO for a much easier & faster transaction especially to those who are far from where I am. In this biz, distance is never a challenge. The online (Beta) loading system is so reliable, totally amazing! That”s what I use most of the time because I”m still exploring the loading capability using my very own cellphone. Having this little biz is another way for me to earn extra. Being a stay-at-home-mom is really challenging. I have dared myself to become an ESAHM (Earning Stay-At-Home-Mom). So, for those who would like to try this little but credible and with endless possibilities kind of business, you can leave me a comment/message here.

I have started to dream big and wanting to make it happen and see myself and the family LIVE it!

Photo credits to Team Bre Facebook account

“Team-BRE” aims to build a legacy, to leave an imprint, to have its seal marked amongst its members and customers who share the following values:



Willingness to learn

Respect for individuals

Just so you”d know, TEAM BRE is a group of entrepreneurs who support each other to achieve their goals and dreams. Grow with us! Join Team BRE!

2 thoughts on “I’m a VMobile Technouser!

  1. TEAM BRE International is very proud to have Mommy Stef (as we call her). She has been very supportive of the our team. A woman that is talented, so down-to-earth and bold. More power to you!!!

  2. Hi Mom Stef

    Although im not part of TEAM BRE, im happy to know that you become part of our growing family here in VMOBILE. Well i wish you a blessed business here and I welcome you wholeheartedly. Good luck to you and as we say here in this business ” PAYAMAN TAYONG LAHAT ( LET’S GET RICH!!! )

    Thanks and regards.

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