Since her pregnancy was announced, earlier than planned due to her acute morning sickness, all eyes have been back on the Duchess of Cambridge, if they ever left her in the first place. The past few years have seen obsessives pre-empting her every outfit for all kind of event and it is unlikely it will stop now with maternity wear. We all know she is going to be a yummy-mummy and she will regain her figure in no time but we are left wondering whether she will return to the Dukan diet as a healthy diet plan or not. All diets have controversies, especially those used by high-ranking celebrities (and royalty in this case) who are constantly in the media. Recently, people have been questioning whether the Dukan diet is safe as it is without solid scientific basis but you just have to read the testimonials to know that for some at least, it is efficient and undamaging.

(image via gmirage on flickr)
After you sign up online, the way it works is you receive your True Weight (which you do before you pay anything) to set your goal and find out how to proceed with the four Dukan diet phases. The first is Attack which compromises of eating a lot of protein whilst exercising vigorously. The second is Cruise which gets you to your True weight by introducing less intensive workouts and vegetables. And the third is Consolidation which helps you maintain your True Weight and teaches you the skills to be able to progress to the final phase.
This last stage is Stabilisation and although it is the most important part of the diet, it is actually the easiest and something to look forward to. Around 95% of people who are on a diet put any weight they lose back on within weeks of ending the diet. This final phase is to set you up for the future to help you maintain the weight you are comfortable being for as long as you like. Learning how to lose weight with Dukan is easy with these phases and you are guided at every level with help on hand if you don’t understand or could do with some support.