
I am planning to go back working…It”s still just a plan but it is more on the 70%-30% already haha! Our finances is somehow asking me to go back and be a working mom again. I”m sure gonna miss my kids especially my todd

ler whom I got used to be with every single minute of the day. My elder daughter will surely understand since she grew up knowing I have a job and needed to leave home for work but will be sad too that we”ll have less time together. I actually have given myself sometime. Sometime to recover from the pain after losing Mama, sometime to rely extra earnings from online tasks, sometime to pick up torn pieces of me. I was and I am still very positive that we can make it even if I stay at home but the time is “NOT YET NOW”. I still have debts to pay and whatever it is I have in my pocket isn”t enough yet to cover all the other expenses. I can”t even sign for a loan yet…I have to wait before I can apply for Pag Ibig”s multi purpose loan.

Now, even if I decide and go hunt for another fulfilling job and a well-loved-by-the-employees-company, I decided to keep my part time job as a support /data entry professional via ODesk. My boss is so nice that I liked and enjoy working with him. I still have applications sent out in ODesk and I am waiting. In case that I”ll be so lucky to find a full time job online, why not? I”d gladly just stay and work from home to still be with the kids and at the same time help out with our finances. Aside from continuing my Odesk job, I will also continue to blog. I”d like to seek more advertising opportunities using these blogs. I”ve been joining these contests in the Pasko sa Agosto caravan too and in one of the blogs, I saw Readbud. I signed up and would like you my readers to check it out too by clicking this banner below:

One of my blogger friends has earned some $$ by just reading the articles she likes and rated them. There”s no harm in trying, it”s an extra income opportunity especially for those who”s been killing time. At least with Readbud, you”ll read and learn and, earn! Just click on the banner if you would like to sign up.

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