Birthday Tribute To An Awesome Mother

Birthday Tribute To A Super Awesome Mother
My Awesome Mother

The birthday girl was named Maria Salvacion.  She is friendly, approachable, practical, industrious, funny, sweet, thoughtful and helpful. Fun Fact – From 1880 to 2018 less than 5 people per year have been born with the first name Salvacion.  ~ Source: Names.Org

My Mama would have celebrated her 70th birthday last May 6th. I could only wonder now how she could have been so happy to celebrate it with us. I imagine how she would have looked like on her 70th. All I know is, she is in a better place now with my Dad and must be happy as they celebrate their love and years on earth. My Dad also would have celebrated his 67th last May 2.

Birthday Gift

Being at my sentimental self again, I decided to get my hands working – online scrapbooking! This birthday gift is especially made for Mama, of course. Credits to Studio Flergs and LorieM Designs for the paper and embellishments I used.  I had this also posted in my Facebook account and a number of friends liked and greeted my awesome mother. I hope the line in heaven is open, WiFi, rather. Birthday of an Awesome Mother

Happy birthday my super awesome mother!

Belated happy birthday as well, Daddy!
I know, if you were only alive and with us today, you would have been so happy to celebrate your 70th year. I could have granted a great wish of yours or perhaps brought you to a place you’ve never been. These things will no longer happen, but in my heart, I know that you are in bliss! You are in a much happier place than in any place here on Earth and I could never surpass the greatest gift you have now – being with HIM.

I am wishing that you have never forgotten that I love you so much Mama, even if we’re no longer together. You know what? It makes me smile when I look at the mirror now and see our resemblance. I would not forget how we make fun and joke about our appearances when I was young and no matter how hard we pick flaws at each other – we end up agreeing we’re both petite and beautiful.

There’s a lot more to reminisce Mama, and if it is possible there in heaven to get a free movie on your birthday, hope you’d pick to see our life together.

Remember the kidnapping attempt of a demented woman when I was 3? I am just so thankful and happy it didn’t succeed – I got to be with my remarkable MAMA. Again, just what I have told you years ago… I would never trade you! You are the best for me and your granddaughters. Your heart is so full of love and you have never been selfish to share it to everyone around you. We LOVE you so much!

For me, my super awesome Mama, you’ve got it all and gave it all. Happy Mother’s Day in heaven, as well!

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