Basic Horse Care Tips For Beginners

Anyone who is new to horse care will probably be overwhelmed with the amount of advice from different websites and also booklets that you receive from your vets. You will find that a lot of different owners will have their particular style of caring for their horse and this may not per se suit you. Although there are some basic fundamentals that every owner does you find that a lot of people will have different methods and styles which are dependent on the region of the country they are in and also the weather conditions.

Here are some very basic tips for any beginners to make their horse feel a little bit more comfortable during certain times of the year.

  • Firstly, adding horse supplements to your daily feed is really important. Although you will probably be feeding them a good mixture of food and trying to ensure that they have a healthy and varied diet adding extra supplements means that they are going to get a boost in certain areas of nutrition. The type of supplement that you give your horse will depend on the breed that you have and it’s particular needs.

  • Secondly, this is something that not a lot of owners actually focus on but using horse fly repellent can greatly improve the well-being and the mood of your horse. This is especially true in wet and hot months where flies are at an unusual peak. By using fly repellent this will mean that they are not buzzing around your animal’s eyes and body causing it to be unnecessarily annoyed.

  • Thirdly, horse hoof care products are ideal for the dry months. In the summer the ground will dry up and become increasingly hard and your horse’s hoofs will lose moisture and start cracking. By using some products you will be able to moisturise and stop them from cracking and causing them pain.

These are three horse care tips that you probably won’t find a lot of beginners concentrate on. They will be more focused on making sure that they get all of the equipment and the feeding right. By following these basic rules you could ensure that the quality of life of your animal is improved greatly for only a little extra cost.

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