I had a great week. Definitely one of the bests I ever had. I got hired as a researcher with a help of a friend. This means that I get to work from home, be with the kids and still earn. Soon, if this career as a freelancer booms, I”ll be debt free.
=) Another good news is that my elder daughter landed at Rank 4 for their 1st quarter even though she”s had some not-so-good exam results in Math & HEKASI. Still, she managed to make me smile and reminded me to help her keep the focus. Sunday was fun-filled, totally! Tiring maybe but definitely a date to remember. My friend/neighbor Vangie & Sam will soon be leaving for the US and we had a farewell get together for them. I was 30 minutes late (LoL!) but still was able to catch up the fun and yummy treat at Red Box, Trinoma.

And since I don”t have a camera anymore, I had to grab these photos from my other “royale kumares”.

I”m joining Yummy Sunday this time. Have I mentioned before that I so love nachos? We had nachos at Red Box but, t”was not what made me decide joining Yummy Sunday today but this oh-so-yummy-chocolate-cake!

As soon as it landed my (almost) drooling mouth, the soft velvety cake itself melted in it. I”ll borrow the famous tag line, but just part of it – “it melts in your mouth…it”s something I didn”t expect!” haha! The cake tasted like heaven. I would have finish a big slice (or did I?) if I wasn”t sharing the plate with Mommies Jo-Ann & Mitch..ha ha! The taste makes me want something like this on my birthday…but Vanj will be in the US by then. Sob!
I will truly miss you mareng Vanj. So as Sam. Our friendship is something. It was like any relationship, tested by time and chances. I am happy that we conquered the test and remained friends. You”ll be physically and geographically miles away but the memories will always be here in our hearts. Ate Keanna”s saddened too but positively said she”ll talk or chat with Sam instead. I wish you all the luck as you open your doors to a new beginning. You may be bound for few more challenges but I”m sure you”ll succeed it. Keep the faith in Him Mare and you”ll definitely go a long way. Take care and remember that we are always here, just a PM or buzz away.
Take care and have a safe trip!
We love you & Sam.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the cake was made by Vanj. Get ready for a yummy treat IL. haha!
The nachos looks so yummy! Not to mention the cake. The way you described it make me drool in my mouth, hahaha! Pero I still go for the nachos. 😀
Visiting via Yummy Sunday
i love the cake!
waaaahhhhh!!! i want nachos now! 😀